Derde Gelders Meerjarenplan Verkeersveiligheid GMV-3 [2003 - 2010].

Regionaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Gelderland ROVG

This third Gelderland long-term road safety policy plan (GMV-3) is published by the Gelderland Provincial Road Safety Board (ROVG), and contains a long-range programme of activities for the period 2003-2010. The points of interest, which were taken into account when drawing up GMV-3, can be divided into four groups: Gelderland road safety, Dutch national policy, provincial/regional policy, and the results from the COVER evaluation. The three main groups of measures distinguished in GMV-3 are: education to all age groups distinguished into six target groups; enforcement; and infrastructure, with a focus on main roads. In addition two main groups having a more preconditional character are distinguished: stimulation and knowledge. For related work see C 24837.

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C 24836

Arnhem, Regionaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Gelderland ROVG, 2003, 64 p., 15 ref.

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