(De)regulation of the taxi industry : report of the one hundred and thirty third Round Table on Transport Economics held in Paris on 14-15 April 2005.

European Conference of Ministers of Transport ECMT / CEMT

The Round Table examined the basic case for liberalisation of the taxi industry, and reviewed experiences with taxi (de)regulation in OECD and ECMT countries. There are a number of aspects to regulation of the taxi industry: regulation of entry into the industry, price regulation and service quality regulation. The discussions of these aspects concluded that little empirical evidence supported the argument that entry restrictions improved capacity utilisation. On the contrary, the case could be made that increased entry and associated economies of density, as well as shorter passenger waiting times, warranted subsidies for entry. The need for price regulation depends on the type and structure of the taxi market. Consumers face search and switching costs when they require taxi services, which gives taxi operators considerable price-setting power. The abuse of that market power is greater in unfamiliar geographic environments and in the cruising market. In markets dominated by dispatch centres, firms may earn a reputation for high or low service prices, which opens up the possibility of some price competition. A similar argument applies to service quality. The more anonymous the market, the greater the need for regulation. Again, dispatch centres enhance the self-regulatory role of competition for repeat customer relations by building a good reputation. Experiences with deregulating the taxi industry have had mixed results. Where the taxi industry has been liberalised, there has generally been massive entry, leading to consumer benefits in the form of shorter waiting times. (Author/publisher)

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20070632 ST [electronic version only]

Paris, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD, 2007, 169 p., ref.; Round Table / ECMT ; 133 - ISBN 978-92-821-0112-4

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