Describing the driver's work space : eye, head, knee, and seat positions.

Rose, R.W.

A considerable amount of driver work space date in addition to hand and foot reach is obtained. A side-view film recording was made of each test subject. Of concern were locations for the driver's eyes, top of head, back of head, knee and seat. These data were combined with other data to develop tools that will aid the designer in describing space and comfort requirements for seated drivers and passengers in automotive packages. Fixed-seat eye ellipses, head locations, shin-knee locations, and preferred seat positions are described.

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B 7020 fo /83.1/91.2/

Warrendale, PA, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE, 1975, 25 p., 14 fig., 3 graph., 12 tab., 9 ref.; SAE Paper No. 750356.

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