Design features of high-occupancy vehicle lanes.

Hanks Jr., J.W., Henk, R.H. & Lomax, T.J.

The information presented in this paper summarizes the current practice regarding the design of line-haul and access/egress facilities as derived from operating HOV projects and design guidelines or manuals. The discussion illustrates common features that appear to be present in successful HOV projects and attempts to gauge the importance of design to the overall prospects for success or failure of an HOV treatment. Several areas which represent gaps in the understanding or justification of HOV systems are also noted along with suggested future activities that may assist in developing definitive guidelines for HOV facility design. This conference was conducted by the Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle and Washington State Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration and the Urban Mass Transportation Administration. This paper appears in appendix 1 of the conference proceedings; the presentation of this paper appears on pages 31-34.

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C 12758 (In: C 12744 S) /72 /73 /10 / IRRD 849897

In: Conference proceedings of the fifth national high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) facilities conference "HOV facilities : coming of age", Seattle, Washington, April 28 - May 1, 1991, p. 181-210, 55 ref.

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