Design guide for road surface dressing. Commissioned by the Highways Agency, Road Engineering and Environmental Division.

Nicholls, J.C.

Road Note 39 is a guide for the design of surface dressing for roads throughout the United Kingdom. The parts and their purposes are as follows: Part I: Introduction: General information on the scope of the document, the reasons for surface dressing, the type of dressing and surface dressing operations; Part II: Design: Details of the parameters used and the method employed to design a suitable surface dressing for specific conditions; Part III: Application of the design: Explanation of the types of specification that can be prepared with the designs together with brief details on the application of the designs to the site; and Part IV: Appendices: Examples of the design process, supporting methods of test for design method, information on some less common situations and details of how to obtain the computer program and User Guide developed to follow the procedures given in the document are detailed.

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C 8026 [electronic version only] /22 /61 / IRRD 882651

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport Research Laboratory TRL, 1996, 55 p., 30 ref.; 4th edition; Project Reference ; E151C/HR / TRL Road Note ; RN 39 - ISSN 0-9521860-6-3

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