Design manual for bicycle traffic.


‘Sign up for the bike’ is thirteen years old and has now been replaced by CROW-record 25 ‘Design manual for bicycle traffic’, in which many new subjects appear. Sustainable Traffic Safety has been implemented with, among other things, ‘right of way for cyclists from the right’ and ‘mopeds on the carriageway’, and the classification of roads into categories of local access roads, district access roads and trunk roads. The structure has become much clearer through the addition of features pages to every chapter. In short: a complete metamorphosis that will allow the road designer to better cater for the design of a bicycle?friendly infrastructure. A bicycle-friendly infrastructure is one that allows direct and comfortable cycling in a safe and attractive traffic environment. Only then is it possible to compete with the car. High quality bicycle infrastructures lead to a larger share of bicycles in the modal split. This design manual describes the steps required to achieve such an infrastructure from the policy plan to promote cycling to the physical implementation of a bicycle-friendly infrastructure. Bicycle infrastructure comprises all the technical provisions intended for cyclists. A recurrent theme runs throughout the design manual as an assignment for the designer: immerse yourself in the idea that the cyclist is the future user of the design; give form to the objectives; balance functionality, form and use. This is a creative challenge demanding more than just the use of templates; the process compels the designer to consider and formulate the consequences of choices in his design. (Author/publisher)

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20071480 ST S

Ede, C.R.O.W Information and Technology Platform for Infrastructure, Traffic, Transport and Public Space, 2007, 386 p., 79 ref.; Record ; No. 25 - ISBN 978-90-6628-494-4 + erratum 8 September 2011

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