Design for NASS : A National Accident Sampling System. Volume II: Appendices.

O'Day, J. Wolfe, A & Kaplan, R.

A design is presented for a national accident investigation program based on sampling theory. The system described has 3 major facets (1) a program for continuous acquisition of data of a random sample of all towaway pedestrian-bicycle-motorcycle accidents occurring in the U.S.; (2) a program for occasional acquisition of additional data on selected topics quickly and on-call, and (3) a program for conducting in-depth or multidisciplinary accident investigations for accidents of particular interest.

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B 10220 /81/

Ann Arbor, MI, University of Michigan, Highway Safety Research Institute HSRI, 1976, 195 p., fig., graph., tab.; Report No. UM-HSRI-SA-75-14-2 / DOT HS 801 914

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