Design parameters of cohesionless soils from in situ tests.

Bellotti, R. Ghionna, V.N. Jamiolkowski, M. & Robertson, P.K.

A critical review of interpretation methods for estimating the design parameters of cohesionless soils from in situ test methods is presented. The latest correlations and results from more than 10 years of research using large calibration chambers are presented and discussed. Correlations are also evaluated and discussed using field data from several well-documented sites. Emphasis is placed on the estimation of in situ state parameters (D sub R), soil stiffness (G, E'), and soil strength (phi') using in situ test methods such as the cone penetration test (CPT), the standard penetration test (SPT), and the flat dilatometer test (DMT). Guidelines are provided regarding the limitations of existing interpretation methods.

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C 24946 (In: C 24941 S) /42/ IRRD 834593

In: In situ testing of soil properties for transportation, Transportation Research Record TRR 1235, p. 45-54, 38 ref.

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