Design of rapid transit equipment for the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit System.

Sundberg, C.W. & Feror, M.

This article describes the design and development of the passenger vehicle for this system. BARTD system requirements and car design criteria are discussed, and the conceptual design and detailed development of passenger accommodations, environmental control provisions, lighting, ingress/egress visibility and appearance design feature are presented. The requirements for and the detailed design of the train attendants pod are also discussed. A prototype car has been designed with primary emphasis on those human factors considerations that are expected to induce 200,000 commuters to use the system in preference to private automobiles. Public reactions to the prototype vehicle will be employed to refine and improve upon the design prior to its introduction in to service in 1971.

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A 2741 T

Human Factors, Vol. 8 (1966), No. 4, p. 339-346

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