Design for roads and traffic in urban areas.

Hills, P.J. Rhodes, T.H. & Allsop, R.E.

In 1983, following the success of their "guidelines" on various highway design topics, the Institution of Highways and Transportation (IHT) decided to initiate a programme to update and combine the publications roads in urban areas and urban traffic engineering techniques, both of which were produced in the 1960s. The aim of the programme has been to produce a comprehensive user-orientated manual of current "best practice" in the field of urban traffic and highway design incorporating, where possible, relevant research findings. To do this, a university team under the direction of the three authors was set up with funding from the SERC. This team at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, in collaboration with University College, London, has spent the last two years compiling the material for the proposed manual, with Alastair Dick employed as project manager. The project has just been completed and the final draft submitted to the IHT. This will now be edited with a view to publication at the end of 1986 or early 1987. The purpose of the manual is to set down the principles of current good practice for examining various transportation planning issues within urban areas, for designing and evaluating alternative proposals and for implementing the schemes selected. Its scope includes: the options for transport in urban areas and their relationship to other policy issues; procedures for improving the efficiency of urban road systems, in terms of safety, accessibility and environmental quality; traffic assessment and highway layouts for new developments; and planning and design requirements for new urban roads. This paper is presented in an abstract form.

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C 1510 (In: C 1501) /21 /72 / IRRD 813006

In: Transport policy : proceedings of seminar K (P280) held at the 14th PTRC European Transport and Planning Summer Annual Meeting, University of Sussex, July 10-14, 1986, p. 119-122

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