Designing with safety in mind.

Proctor, S.

The work described in this paper was commissioned by the Automobile Association (AA) to promote action arising from some of the AA Foundation for Road Safety Research studies. As part of the work, the AA and TMS Consultancy gathered together a panel of experienced Road Safety Auditors and asked them to provide a list of their "top 20" commonly identified Safety Audit problems. There was surprisingly close agreement between the auditors, with many problems being identified on a number of occasions. The output form the exercise will be a booklet, due to be published later this year. (Author/publisher)

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C 21660 (In: C 21656 S) /82 / ITRD E206921

In: Proceedings of the conference `Road safety in Europe', Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, September 21-23, 1998, VTI Konferens No. 10A, Part 1, p. 103-12, 6 ref.

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