The detailled study of accidents EDA : a new approach to road safety research = l'Étude detaillée d'accidents EDA : une nouvelle orientation de la recherche en sécurité routière.

Ferrandez, F. Fleury, D. & Malaterre, G.

The auteurs suggest that there is a continuing need for research into road safety and describe a method of analysing road accidents on a multi-disciplinary basis. The principle objective of the study set up in 1980 was to understand the mechanism governing road accidents thereby directing research and follow-up action towards accident prevention. The method is described in detail and involves the collection of a wide variety of data from the scene of the accident, cinematic reconstruction, sequential analysis and identification of research areas. Several phases are described which take place in an accident. Details are given of how the project has developed over the years to favour in-depth data collection and the periodic redefinition of research priorities. The study is particularly useful in the analysis of dysfunctions and the principles of the functioning of road traffic systems. This is a translation of the following French paper: "l'Étude detaillée (EDA) : une nouvelle orientation de la recherche en sécurité routière", Recherche Transport Securite, (1986), Nos. 9/10 (June), p. 17-20. For the French abstract see IRRD 119309.

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C 5720 [electronic version only] /80 / IRRD 826382

TRRL Translation, Vol. 7 (1989), No. T 3542 (July), 11 p., 11 ref.

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