Determination of trailer stability through simple analytical methods and test procedures.

Klein, R.H. & Szostak, H.T.

Approximate factors, measurement techniques, and test procedures that can be used tot determine trailer stability are presented. The recommended performance metric is damping ratio, or an equivalent cycle to half amplitude which is evaluated, via a pulse-steer procedure, at some reference speed.

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15 + 5 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 15108 (In: B 15102) / 91.1 /

In: Dynamics of wheeled recreational vehicles, 1979, SAE publication No. SP-79, p. 47-53, 2 fig., 6 graph., 1 tab., 11 ref.; SAE paper 790186

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