Deterrence at last : the Ministry of Transport's alcohol blitzes.

Hurst, P.M. & Wright, P.G.

The blood alcohol legislation of 1969, whose passage was accompanied by little in the way of threatening publicity, had no measurable effect on road losses in New Zealand. During 1978, two nationwide alcohol "blitzes" were organised to determine whether it was possible to create a general deterrence, even if only temporarily. Liquor consumption and carpark occupancies tended downward during their first blitz, when there was also a 20% reduction in road injuries. The accident reduction during the second blitz was greater.

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B 21117 (In: B 19594) /83.4 / IRRD 261092

In: Proceedings 8th international Conference on Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety, Stockholm, June 15-19, 1980, p. 1283-1297, 16 ref.

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