Detroit downtown people mover maintenance data : an overview.

Dutta, U. Tadi, R.R. & Keshawarz, M.S.

The Detroit Downtown People Mover (DPM) has been in operation since August 1987. The 1989 maintenance data of DPM were reviewed, and an attempt was made to determine the relationship between various entities of the DPM maintenance system. Peak failure was observed during December, so winter might have played a significant role in the life cycle of components. Almost equal numbers of repairs were made for each train, with one exception. The train control component was the component most frequently repaired.

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C 25904 (In: C 25885 S) IRRD 850085

In: Public transit research : rail, bus and new technology 1991, Transportation Research Record TRR 1308, p. 142-149, 3 ref.

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