Detterrence at last : the Ministry of Transport's "Alcohol Blitzes".

Hurst, P.M. & Wright, P.G.

Despite the inevitable lack of causal proof, there can be little doubt that each of the two enforcement blitzes reduced the road losses that normally accrue from alcohol impaired driving. There is evidence to believe that some of the saving may have resulted from lowered consumption, and some from staying away from the pub or party, or finding alternative transportation, and perhaps some may have resulted simply from more careful driving. Indeed, the magnitude of the apparent saving strongly suggests that the effects of the blitzes might have spread even to non-drinking drivers. The summary of observed effects is given in Table 2.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 17299 fo /83.4/

Wellington, Ministry of Transport, 1980, 15 p., graph., ref.

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