The development of aluminium-air batteries for electric vehicles EVs.

Rudd, E.J.

The aluminium-air battery has unique features that make it an attractive candidate as a power source in an electric vehicle. The energy and power densities of the battery can provide driving ranges comparable to those of the internal combustion engine. The battery is a multi-component system as will be described and any development program must focus upon the several challenges: (A) For the need for high performance electrodes; (b) a cell design that allows rapid replacement of the anode; and (c) separation of the solid product from the electrolyte. (A)

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C 4895 (In: C 4885 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 860803

In: Electric vehicles : a decade of transition : selected papers through 1990 prepared under the auspices of the SAE Electric Vehicle Committee Passenger Car Activity, PT-40, p. 57-60, 6 ref.

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