The development and efficacy of a theory-based educational curriculum to promote self-regulation among high-risk older drivers.

Stalvey, B.T. & Owsley, C.

Knowledge Enhances Your Safety (KEYS) is a curriculum developed for older drivers who maintain driving privileges while coping with visual limitations that increase crash risk. KEYS’ goal is to promote safe driving through self-awareness of vision impairment and adopting self-regulatory strategies. We discuss KEYS’ theoretical framework based on the tenants of the Social Cognitive Theory, Health Belief and Transtheoretical Models, and Principles of Self-Regulation and Regulatory Self-Efficacy. Baseline and 6-month posttest evaluations tested its efficacy in terms of theoretical construct outcomes. KEYS’ participants improved self-perceptions of vision impairment, perceived a greater number of benefits in the performance of self-regulatory behaviors, and moved closer to the preparation and action/maintenance stages of change. Results indicate that high-risk older drivers benefit from educational interventions that promote self-awareness and self-regulation of driving. Future work will evaluate KEYS’ efficacy for high-risk older drivers in promoting driver behavior changes and its impact on crash involvement. (Author/publisher)

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C 25315 [electronic version only]

Health Promotion Practice, Vol. 4 (2003), No. 2 (April 1), p. 109-119, 66 ref.

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