Development and evaluation of revised class C driver license written knowledge tests.

Chapman, E.A. & Masten, S.V.

This report gives an evaluation of the English DL 5 (Rev. 2/01), Spanish DL 5 (Rev. 3/01), and English DL 5T (Rev. 2/01) Class C driver license written knowledge examinations. The study assessed the fail rate, mean number of errors, and internal-consistency reliability for each test form, as well as the pass rate, percentage of applicants selecting each answer choice, and item-total correlation for each item on each test form for the English tests. Also presented is an assessment of the randomness of the answer choice assignment for the English DL 5. Test results are provided and discussed, and recommendations for future editions of these tests are also included.

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C 27383 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E820364

Sacramento, CA, California Department of Motor Vehicles CAL-DMV, Research and Development Branch, 2002, XI + 50 p.; Technical Monograph 196 / CAL-DMV-RSS-03-196

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