Development and further refinement of the belt deployment test device.

Gardner, W.T. Pedder, J.B. & Gallup, B.M.

A Seat Belt Fit Test Device was developed to enable the measurement of belt fit of any vehicle seat /belt restraint system. A summary of the early development of this device is presented here with the results of more recent work. Belt fit measurements for human subjects are compared to measurements obtained with the Belt Fit Test Device.

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B 26623 (In: B 26613) /91 / IRRD 812368

In: Restraint technologies: Front seat occupant protection. SAE Publication SP-690. Proceedings of the International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, MichiGan, February 23-27, 1987, p. 1 11-118, 1 fig., 3 graph., 2 tab., 11 ref. SAE Paper No. 870327.

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