Development and implementation of a system for travel-time based speed enforcement using video technology.

Evertse, M. Westerman, M. & Tampere, C.

To increase safety and traffic flow on the Dutch highways for the Dutch Ministry of Transportation and the Dutch Traffic Control Police a fully automated speed enforcement system based on travel times is implemented. The system was built with advanced image and video technology in an open system architecture. This enforcement system is based on the average travel time of an individual vehicle over a predefined stretch of road and is a breakthrough in the Netherlands. Resutts show that it is an effective and efficient measurement to increase safety on the roads. The system is designed to operate stand alone for 7 days a week, 24 hrs a day. The system developed monitors traffic at 3 different locations on a 3 km section of a busy highway (70,000 cars per day average) between Utrecht and Amsterdam. For the covering abstract see IRRD E102946.

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C 26491 [electronic version only] /70 / IRRD E103534

In: Towards the new horizon together : proceedings of the 5th world congress on intelligent transport systems, held 12-16 October 1998, Seoul, Korea, Paper No. 2088, 9 p.

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