Development of a cost-effectiveness model for guardrail selection. Volume I: technical documentation.

Calcote, L.R.

This research was conducted to develop a cost-effectiveness model for guardrail selection that includes cost parameters for eleven (11) guardrail configurations and criteria for analysis of system effectiveness under various dynamic impact conditions. Vehicle classes include 2250-lb (1021-kg) and 4500-lb (2041-kg) vehicles. Accident severities were based on extrapolations of full-scale test data and verified by means of guardrail accident reconstruction data. Two computer programs were developed: (1) the SSCOST program for cost-effectiveness values (state cost, societal cost, total cost, and benefit-to-cost ratio) of a single specified guardrail type with given roadway conditions, and (2) the COCOST program for comparative cost-effectiveness values and ranking of the eleven guardrail types with given roadway conditions. Program inputs are simple to prepare, and computer run times are minimal. This volume includes the data collection and analysis and technical documentation for quantification of the pertinent parameters and development of the computer algorithm. Volume II is a user's manual for applying the computer programs.

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B 24153 MF [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1980, 154 p.; FHWA-RD-78-74

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