The development of drowsiness warning devices.

Yabuta, K. Iizuka, H. Yanagishima,

A newly developed microcomputer- based drowsiness warning sys tem is described, which detects changes in the drivers's alertness through his steering behavior.In developing this system, first several levels of alertness based on such phy- siological factors as brain activity and blinking are quanti fied.Tests were then conducted in which drivers fell into different degrees of drowsiness.Using the quantified alert- ness levels the "drowsy driver" was defined and steering patterns were found, that could not be seen in normal driving

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B 27308 (In: B 27275 [electronic version only]) /91 /83 / IRRD 801573

In: 10th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Oxford, England, July 1-4, 1985, p. 282-288

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