Development of expert systems technology in the California Department of Transportation.

Ritchie, S.G. Cohn, L.F. & Harris, R.A.

This paper presents the results of a research project the principal objective of which was to prepare a plan for the development and implementation of knowledge-based expert systems (KBES) projects throughout the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). A major part of the project involved development of a special questionnaire and conduct of 50 in-depth interviews of Caltrans senior managers and engineers to identify candidate projects. Forty-five such projects were identified and ranked by priority. In addition, the following aspects were addressed: resource and time requirements for each KBES project, hardware and software needs to best accommodate implementation throughout Caltrans, and recommendations for training. Caltrans has now begun implementation of the plan developed in this research. A major new KBES research project on hazardous waste management has been initiated and is also discussed in this paper.

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C 15569 (In: C 15566 S) /72 / IRRD 826886

In: Expert systems in transportation : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1187, p. 21-29, 1 ref.

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