Development of freeway operational strategies with IRIS-in-loop simulation.

Kwon, E. & Park, C.

This research produced several important tools that are essential in managing and operating freeway corridors. First, a computer-based off-line process was developed to automatically estimate a set of traffic measures for a given freeway corridor using the historical detector data. Secondly, a prototype on-line estimation procedure was designed to calculate selected traffic measures in real time to assist operators in identifying abnormal traffic patterns. Third, the IRIS-in-loop simulation system was developed by linking IRIS, the freeway control system developed by MnDOT, to a microscopic simulation software through a data communication module, so that new operational strategies can be directly coded into IRIS and evaluated under the realistic simulation environment. Finally, two new freeway operational strategies, variable speed limit control and a density-based adaptive ramp metering strategy, were developed and evaluated with the IRSI-in-Loop simulation system. (Author/publisher)

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20120205 ST [electronic version only]

St. Paul, MN, Minnesota Department of Transportation, Research Services Section, Office of Policy Analysis, Research & Innovation, 2012, 63 p. + app., 4 ref.; MN/RC 2012-04

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