Development of guardrail extruder terminal.

Sicking, D.L. Qureshy, A.B. & Ross Jr., H.E.

Development of the guardrail extruder terminal (get), a low-costend treatment for w-beam guardrails, is presented in this paper. When impacted, this end treatment causes the w-beam to be flattened and deformed in a controlled manner ahead of the impacting vehicle. The flattening process dissipates energy, and impacting vehicles are decelerated to a controlled stop. The paper discusses static and dynamic laboratory testing of extruder components as well as full-scale crash tests of the get. The get is shown to be in compliance with nationally recognised impact performance standards.

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C 22206 (In: C 22202 S) /85 / IRRD 834714

In: Design and testing of roadside safety devices : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record No. 1233, p. 34-42, 13 ref.

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