Development of guidelines for pedestrian safety treatments at signalized intersections.

Bonneson, J.A. Pratt, M.P. & Songchitruksa, P.

For intersections with a permissive or protected-permissive left-turn mode, pedestrians cross during the permissive period. This operation requires the left-turn driver to yield to both opposing vehicles and pedestrians, prior to accepting a gap and completing the turn. Pedestrian crash risks are increased in these complicated driving conditions because left-turn drivers sometimes fail to yield to pedestrians. This document summarizes the research conducted and the conclusions reached during the development of guidelines for pedestrian safety treatments at signalized intersections. The guidelines are focused on treatments that alleviate conflicts between left-turning vehicles and pedestrians. One treatment addressed in the document is the use of protected or protected-permissive left-turn operation. The guidelines are based on consideration of pedestrian safety and vehicle operation. These considerations include the road-user costs associated with pedestrian-vehicle crashes and vehicle delay. The guidelines were incorporated in the Traffic Signal Operations Handbook. The guidelines were also incorporated into a spreadsheet that was developed to accompany the Handbook. The Handbook was previously developed for Project 0-5629. It provides guidelines for timing traffic control signals at intersections that operate in isolation or as part of a coordinated signal system. (Author/publisher)

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20120178 ST [electronic version only]

College Station, TX, Texas A & M University, Texas Transportation Institute TTI, 2012, IX + 115 p., ref.; Report 0-6402-1 / FHWA/TX-11/0-6402-1

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