Development of highway bridge applying ultra high strength fiber reinforced concrete.

Kuroiwa, T. Nishikawa, K. Iwasaki, I. & Okuma, H.

This article describes the features of ultra high strength fibre reinforced concrete (UFC) and its use in the construction of the Horikoshi C Ramp Bridge in Japan. UFC features a low water/cement ratio and high compacted density, and contains reinforcing steel fibres. The amount of shrinkage and creep in curing is very small. Corrosion is estimated to occur after more than 300 years. The bridge presented is a single span pre-tensioned composite girder construction. The UFC girders used are thinner than conventional concrete and lighter weight: construction advantages included less disruption to traffic, reduced transport needs, and reduced costs. The main girders were made of prestressed structures and the cost was reduced by using the pre-tensioned system. A connection method was developed employing Perfobond strip which offered good rigidity. Load testing was carried out on a real-size model. After construction, further tests were made on site. Advantages envisioned for UFC are lower girder height and longer spans, reduced weight and costs and good durability.

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I E138402 [electronic version only] /32 /53 / ITRD E138402

Routes / Roads. 2008. (336-337) Pp114-129 (4 Refs.)

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