Development of an intelligent traffic simulation model (INSIM) for evaluating the effects of multimodal traveller information.

Lam, S. & Memon, A.

Information provided by Advanced Multimodal Traveller Information Systems (AMTIS) is aimed at facilitating commuter's travel. With the information, their travel behaviour may change and the overall performance of the multimodal transportation system may be enhanced. To study the potential impacts of such system and overcome existing difficulties in carrying analysis in a multimodal environment with realistic consideration of travel behaviour, an Intelligent Traffic Simulation Model (INSIM) is developed by integrating an intelligent agent programme with the Paramics traffic simulation system. This approach provides an effective mechanism to simulate commuters' pre-trip mode choice behaviour and to examine the corresponding results. A case study of a simple network is presented to illustrate the effectiveness of INSIM to evaluate the potential impacts of multimodal traveller information. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208431.

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C 27115 (In: C 26913 CD-ROM) /71 / ITRD E209463

In: Transport: our highway to a sustainable future : proceedings of the 21st ARRB and 11th REAAA Conference, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, 18-23 May 2003, 12 p., 21 ref.

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