Development of Kansas guardrail to bridgerail transition designsusing BARRIER VII.

Tuan, C.Y. Post, E.R. Ataullah, S. & Brewer, J.O.

BARRIER VII computer code was used to evaluate the dynamic performance of five Kansas guardrail-to-bridgerail transition designs. The simulation results were compared with those of two FHWA-approved transition designs. The test vehicle model was a 4,500-lb, 1977 Plymouth impacting the barriers at 60 mph with an approach angle of 25 deg. The vehicle-crushing properties and guardrail-post stiffness had been validated using full-scale vehicle crash test data before the simulations were conducted. A methodology for wheel-snagging prediction was also proposed and validated against available test data. It was shown that reliable simulation results could be obtained if the input parameters for simulation were assessed accurately. However, the computer simulation is not intended to be a substitute for actual crash tests on a final selected design.

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C 22217 (In: C 22202 S) /85 / IRRD 834725

In: Design and testing of roadside safety devices : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record No. 1233, p. 145-154, 10 ref.

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