Development of a new collapsing ring bridge rail system. Paper prepared for the 54th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, D.C., January 1975.

Kimball, C.E. Bronstad, M.E. Michie, J.D. Wentworth, J.A. & Viner, J.G.

An energy-absorbing bridge rail system that uses the plastic deformation of steel rings as the primary impact energy absorber has been developed through full-scale crash testing and the use of the BARRIER VII computer program. The system design not only is capable of withstanding impacts by large vehicles such as buses and trucks but also does not impact high accelerations to impacting smaller vehicles. Ten full-scale crash tests were performed with vehicles ranging from 2,000 to 40,000 lb (907 to 18,144 kg). Redirection of high-speed (55 mph (89 km/h)), 40,000-lb (18,144-kg) vehicles (articulated and non-articulated) impacting at a 19-deg angle was demonstrated. No significant elastic rebound of the rails and energy-absorbing rings was evident during test. Vehicle damage was limited to mostly sheet metal damage of the impacting front quadrant and side panels with limited suspension damage at the same quadrant. Bridge rail damage ranged from slight for the subcompact vehicle impact to extreme for heavy vehicle impacts. Tests were documented by strain gauge, vehicle accelerometer, and high-speed movie data as well as permanent deformation measurements. /Author/

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B 6365 /85/

San Antonio, Southwest Research Institute, 1975, 23 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.

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