Development of a novel traffic calming road surface to reduce environmental noise nuisance.

Watts, G. Stait, R. Godfrey, N. & Layfield, R.

The noise effects of traffic calming surfaces (TCSs) for use in urban areas is of concern in the UK. The development of TCS that alert the driver without consequential disturbance to residents is described. A more fundamental approach was taken that involved a consideration of vehicle resonances and the means of exciting these by using a suitable road surface profile without the generation of significant external noise. It was found that for some surfaces significant horizontal vibrations were generated in the vehicle suspension which were readily transmitted into the drivers' cab. The results of test track measurements of noise and vibration and subjective evaluations that have led to the identification of potentially suitable designs are described. Road trials were conducted at seven sites, including a social survey of residents, external noise measurements and vehicle speed measurements. Little additional noise annoyance was caused indoors to residents and speed reductions were similar to those achieved by conventional rumble strips. For the covering abstract see ITRD E118297.


C 26229 (In: C 26226) /15 /85 / ITRD E118300

In: TRL Annual Research Review 2002, p. 29-36, 2 ref.

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