The development of a protective headband for car occupants.

Anderson, R.W.G. White, K. & McLean, A.J.

This report addresses the development of a protective headband for car occupants. It focuses on the investigation of suitable materials for the headband by examining their impact absorbing properties. Tests consisted of: a series of impacts where material was interposed between a steel slab and the headform dropped from a height; a series of drop tests where prototype headbands were attached to a headform and dropped against standard helmet testing anvils; and a series of tests with the most promising prototypes in which the headband was attached to the headform and then fired against an internal structure of a passenger car. Two prototype concepts appear worthy of further investigation: a headband constructed of polyurethane foam and a headband consisting of a cardboard honeycomb liner encased in a hard shell. Both significantly reduced the severity of impacts with the car structures. However, further investigation into optimising the selection of materials for their impact absorbing qualities and their comfort and durability in normal use is warranted. These tests demonstrate that a headband for car occupants could significantly reduce the severity of certain head impacts in a crash. The best prototype headband reduced the HIC and peak acceleration values by over 60 percent in a standard test with the interior of the car. The reduced impact was approximately equivalent in severity to an unprotected impact with the structure at half the speed. (A)

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C 21293 [electronic version only] /91 / ITRD E204276

Civic Square, ACT, Australian Transport Safety Bureau ATSB, 2000, X + 42 p., 3 ref.; Road Safety Research Report ; CR 193 - ISSN 0810-770X / ISBN 0-642-25502-4

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