Development of a safety concept for motorcycles. Results from accident analysis and crash tests.

Sporner, A. Langwieder, K. & Polauke, J.

The high proportion of seriously injured persons and fatalities in traffic accidents involving motorcycles makes it clear that the protection of the motorcyclist is still not satisfactory. Since the middle of the Seventies it has therefore been an objective of accident research to reduce the injury risk of the motorcycle driver. By way of introduction, a survey is given of the current studies in Germany and abroad for improving motorcycle safety and of the different concepts.

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B 30546 (In: B 30451 [electronic version only]) /84 /91 / IRRD 830284

In: 11th International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles ESV, Washington, D.C., May 12-15, 1987, p. 835-842, 35 ref.

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