Development of specifications for passive belt systems.

Woodson, W.E. Black, T.L. Selby, P.H. & Coburn, R.

The objectives of the study were to: (1) test the applicability in terms of comfort and convenience of recommended active belt changes to FMVSS no. 208 to passive belt systems; (2) modify and/or verify recommended changes; and (3) provide NHTSA with recommendations to provide front seat occupants with a passive belt system that is comfortable, convenient to use, and acceptable to the consumer while providing optimum protection in the event of a crash. The study approach involved: (a) a state-of-the-art survey to determine the nature of potentially viable belt systems likely to meet the new passive belt edict; (b) conduct of an evaluative experiment designed to arrive at a better understanding of the comfort and convenience implications of the various configurations; (c) translating results of the foregoing experiment into a preliminary set of passive belt system design/performance requirements; and (d) formulating a final set of recommendations for modifying FMVSS no. 208.

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B 18079 MF [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1978, 230 p., graph., tab., ref.; DOT HS 803 809

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