The development of technology for detection of marijuana intoxication by analysis of body fluids.

Bryant, P.J. Valentine, J.L. Gutshall, P.L. Gan, O.H.M. & Driscoll, P.

Methods employing high pressure liquid chromatography plus mass spectrometry is developed for the detection of low concentrations of various marijuana metabolites in body fluids. A new marijuana metabolite was found which could be detected in blood for twenty four hours after smoking.

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B 18310 MF [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, 1975, 33 p., fig., graphs., tab., ref.; DOT HS 801 721 (rapport begint op pag. 333 van .pdf; pdf bevat ook B 18309 `Drugs and driving : information needs and requirements'.)

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