Development of tolerance for Lorazepam effects on driving skills.

Aranko, K & Mattila, M.J.

Results from epidemiological studies have suggested that psychotropic drugs in general may increase the risk of traffic accidents to varying extends. It is assumed that anxiolytic drugs, benzodiazepines in particular, increase the risk more than other psychotropic drugs do. The development of tolerance for Lorazepam effects on driving skills is studied here, just as Lorazepam after maintenance with Diazepam, Alprazolam and Nitrazepam.

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B 25312 (In: B 25301) /83.4/ IRRD 801387

In: Drugs and driving : proceedings of the first international symposium on prescription drugs and driving performance, Vinkeveen, The Netherlands, 25-28 June 1984, p. 153-161, 3 graph., 2 tab.

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