Development of a vehicle detection system using a camera with a charge coupled device sensor : status of development.

Mortelmans, J. & Vits, A.

This report will give an overviewof the state of research concerning the development of an optical vehicle detection system, albe to measure speed, volume, headways and lengths of vehicles travelling on one lane. The system makes use of a C.C.D. (Charge Coupled Device) camera and a microprocessor. The measuring system will be briefly described. This report will mainly focus on the results of comparative tests that have been made to evaluate the accuracy of the system. The different factors that affect the accuracy will here be described. An overview will also be given of further developments of the system and the extension to a scheme for simultaneous surveillance of three lanes with traffic traveling in both directions.

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841312 ST [electronic version only]

Leuven, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Departement Bouwkunde, Onderzoekseenheid voor Verkeerstechniek en Infrastructuur, 1984, 43 p., 9 ref.; Publications of the Research Unit ; No. 03

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