On development of vehicle dynamics by means of a digital computer. Paper presented at the International Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Michigan, January 13-17, 1969.

Maeda, T. & H. Uemura

Throughout the development of a small sized passenger car, a simulation method using digital computer has been proved to be useful in achieving the desired dynamics. Among the types of independent rear suspension systems available, the semi-trailing type has been shown preferable because of its negligible effect on jack-up. Ride motion is discussed within the concept of ''dynamical pitching centers''. In some cases, shock absorbers proved very effective in controlling the pitching mode. A system having four degrees of freedom was used for the analysis of steering response. A practical method for evaluating driver reaction is proposed.

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New York, Society of Automotive Engineering SAE, 1969, 13 p.; SAE Publication No. 690233

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