Development of a visibility research capability.

Burg, A. Beers, T. & Brenner, M.B.

A study was conducted to determine the feasibility of developing a capability of conducting valid research in driver visibility, that will provide realistic stimulus situations to the driver and accurately measure the relevant aspects of his performance in response to these situations. A set of requirements was set forth by NHTSA for use as guidelines in appraising the potential success of a number of alternative technical approaches in developing this visibility research capability. Through a review of the literature, discussions with resource people and visits to facilities at which relevant equipment and/or activities could be seen, a number of alternative approaches were comparatively evaluated. The study recommendations were that simulation employing motion picture displays be considered as a short-term means for conducting the desired research, and that on a long term basis, consideration be given to the use of simulation with computer-generated imagery, possibly in combination with other visual display techniques. Performance specifications are set forth for each of these simulation approaches.

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B 14204 /83.2 /

Los Angeles, University of California, 1977, 242 p.,tab., ref.; DOT HS 803 261 / UCLA-ENG-7754

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