Developments in the area of the transportation of handicapped persons in The Netherlands : some sociopolitical, financial and technical approaches.

Vogelzang, D.A.

This paper describes how measures in favor of mobility and transport for the handicapped are restricted on the one hand by the overall purposes of transport policy and on the other hand by the prevailing view of society with regards to the handicapped. In the Netherlands both conditions prevailand this paper argues that mobility demands of the handicapped are neglected by the general direction of transport policy. Transport measures that create conflict between handicapped and able-bodied people are politicallyimpracticable. Moreover, handicapped people aim at reintegration into thesociety; and the concept of integration implies that measures which divided the population according to lines of interest should be avoided as wellas any other division.

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C 45209 (In: C 45189) /72 / ITRD E846174

In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Handicapped Persons, under the auspices of Florida State University and the Loughborough University of Technology, Orlando, Florida, October 29-31, 1984, 5 p.

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