Developments in transport policy : the new approach to the appraisal of road projects in England.

Price, A.

Since May 1997, UK policy on trunk roads has been developed as part of the new Government's Roads Review, which was published in July 1998 and indicated a major shift in trunk road policy. This policy change reflects growing environmental concerns about the impacts of roads and traffic growth, and included a new approach to how road projects are appraised. This policy note explains why the Government considered it necessary to adopt this new appraisal approach, how it was applied in the context of the Roads Review, and how it was applied to other forms of transport and policy instruments in future. Previously, the appraisal of schemes was based on cost-benefit analyses, environmental impact assessment, and the views of Regional Offices. This approach was considered too biased and insufficiently transparent, and it took too little account of schemes' impact on the environment and local economic development. An important element of the new approach is a one-page Appraisal Summary Table (AST) of a scheme's key impacts on the environment, safety, the economy, accessibility, and integration. As part of the Roads Review, the Government has made freely available the AST's for 68 schemes. It has issued new technical guidance for project managers and consultants on how to complete an AST. An example is given.

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C 15018 [electronic version only] /21 /10 / IRRD E102003

Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Vol. 33 (1999), Part 2 (May), p. 221-226

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