Diabète et conduite : réflexions et atelier pratique. [Diabetes and driving: thoughts and educational perspectives.]

Gastaldi, G. Girardin, S. & Ruiz, J.

In Switzerland over 200.000 people with diagnosed diabetes drive a car. Their physicians endorse many roles: usual medical care as well as informing properly about driving recommendations and handling the legal issues being the licensing procedure. Ability to drive can be impaired in three ways: hypoglycaemia, diabetes complications and hyperglycaemia. Hypoglycaemia is the main risk factor of vehicle accident for diabetic drivers and frequent while driving. However few accidents are reported due to hypoglycaemia. Swiss medical guidelines about diabetes and driving mention the requested conditions, but practically how should we do? The authors sought to answer by creating a specific educational program focused on hypoglycaemia management. Building patient knowledge's through experiences is the main goal of the course diabetes and driving. (Author/publisher)


20121317 ST [electronic version only]

Revue Médicale Suisse, Vol. 344 (2012), No. 8 (June 6), p. 1204-1208, 1210, 18 ref.

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