Diabetes and driving : towards equitable, evidence-based decision-making.

MacLeod, K.M.

In January 1998, the British government introduced new restrictions on licensing of people with insuline-treated diabetes mellitus to drive. These restrictions were based on the second EU driver licensing directive (91/4389) and looked to be costing insuline-treated diabetic individuals their entitlement to drive light goods and small passenger-carrying vehicles. In response to concerns expressed by the diabetes community in Britain, the British Diabetic Association commissioned a report examining and interpreting the available evidence of accident risk in insuline-treated diabetic patients, particularly that related to unexpected hypoglycaemia. This article is drawn from that report. (A)

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991203 ST [electronic version only]

Diabetic Medicine, Vol. 16 (1999), No. 4, p. 282-290, 36 ref.

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