Die gaschromatographische Blutalkoholuntersuchung als Routinebestimmung.

Gildemeister, H.

During a period of 12 month 1,500 blood-alcohol samples were subjected to gas-chromtographic routine tests. The results obtained proved to be in good conformity with those obtained by applying the Widmark method and the enzyme method. We applied the "head space gas"method for our tests. The relative error for a twofold determination amounted to about 4 per cent. The authors point to the economic advantages of the gas-chromatographic method of testing.

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6 + 3 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


A 3125 fo

Deutsches Gesundheitswesen, Vol. 22 (1967), p. 447-449. (Das klinische Laboratorium)

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