Die Verkehrssicherheitsarbeit im Zusammenhang mit der Rechtsverkehrumstellung 1967 in Schweden : eine Modelle Verkehrssicherheitsaktionen.

Englund, A.

Legal preparatory work in connection with the change-over from left-hand traffic in Sweden is discussed. The initial stages, the planning the publicity campaigns for road safety in their successive stages for school children and road users, and the introduction of the mass media to the road education programme are given. A full account is presented of the measurement of the attitude and the knowledge of the general public to the change-over and the efficiency of the publicity campaign. Concluding there is a summary on the costs of the campaign and the reduction in accidents.

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8 + 7 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 5699 fo /73.3/

Solna, National Swedish Council for Road Safety Research, 1970 ?, 25 p., fig.

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