Diepteonderzoek naar de invloedsfactoren van verkeersongevallen

samenvatting en evaluatie van de resultaten van de pilotstudie diepteonderzoek 2008-2011. In opdracht van het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu, Directoraat-Generaal Bereikbaarheid.
Davidse, R.J.

In-depth research into the influence factors of road crashes summary and evaluation of the results of the pilot study in-depth research 2008-2011. This report discusses the evaluation of the pilot study in-depth research. SWOV carried out the pilot study to investigate the added value for Dutch road safety policy of in-depth research in the Netherlands. The pilot was carried out during the period 2008-2011 and consisted of designing and carrying out two in-depth studies into road crashes, followed by the present evaluation. In an in-depth study of road crashes, all possible information is gathered about all aspects of the crash: the traffic situation, the immediate surroundings, the road users involved, their vehicles, and the injuries of the people involved. An important starting point of the SWOV-in-depth studies is that they focus on a specific type of road crash. In each SWOV-in-depth study a multidisciplinary research team investigates a homogeneous set of crashes. Next, the team examines which factors and circumstances influenced the occurrence and the outcome of these crashes. This knowledge can then be used to select measures to prevent similar crashes in the future or to reduce injury severity as a consequence of such crashes.


C 51059 [electronic version only]

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2012, 64 p., 24 ref.; R-2012-19


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