Differences between pickup truck and automobile driver-owners.

Anderson, C.L. Winn, D.G. & Agran, P.F.

This study compares pickup truck driver-owners and drivers who owned only automobiles with respect to demographic factors, conditions of use, risk taking driving behavior, prior driving history and attitudes towards motor vehicle laws. A telephone survey conducted in Riverside County, CA determined that 36% of the households had a pickup truck. Pickup truck owners were primarily male, aged 30-39 years, married, reported lower restraint use and more risky driving behaviors, and had more traffic citations. Differences in behaviors and attitudes were largely a function of age and gender. There is a need to design appropriate occupant safety interventions for those most likely to own pickup trucks. (Author/publisher).

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I E100041 /83 / IRRD E100041

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 1999 /01/03. 31(1/2) Pp67-76 (20 Refs.)

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