Digital clicks : smart ways to stop speeding traffic.

Coulstock, B.

Redflex Traffic Systems recently developed revolutionary, purpose-built, high-resolution Digital Smartcam technologies for video-enforcement. In October 1998, the Neighbourhood Automated Speed Compliance Program (NASCOP) in the city of San Jose, CA, USA became the world's first photo-enforcement programme to apply these technologies. The Redflex system integrates Redflex advanced digital imaging methods with Sony's Wfine CCD ICX205AK advanced electronic image sensor technology. Direct digital imaging allows Redflex encryption of images and data at the point of capture, giving clear security of primary evidence. Smartcam systems, with camera units that can record up to seven frames per second could be ideal for monitoring high-speed, dense-flowing traffic conditions. Digital Smartcamred, the new digital red light camera system, has already performed well in North America's severe midwinter conditions for the red light camera trials of the US Federal Highways Administration (FHWA). Redflex's all-digital system will allow high-resolution digital images to be communicated directly from roadside locations for rapid processing. Cities and traffic authorities across the USA are following such digital traffic operations with keen interest.

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C 20863 (In: C 20842) /10 /73 / IRRD E101709

In: Traffic technology international '99, p. 194-198

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