Discrepancies between knowledge and practice of childhood motor vehicle occupant safety in Nova Scotia--A population-based study.

Yanchar, N.L. Kirkland, S.A. Leblanc, J.C. & Langille, D.B.

This study seeks to determine discrepancies between knowledge and practice of childhood motor vehicle restraints (CMVRs) and vehicle seating position among parents within the province of Nova Scotia. A random telephone survey was conducted with 426 households with at least one child under the age of 12 years, totaling 723 children. The main outcome measures were the proportion of parents whose children who should be in a specific stage of CMVR and sitting in the rear seat of the vehicle, and who demonstrate correct knowledge of that restraint system and seating position, yet do not use that restraint system/seating position for their child (demonstrate practice discrepant from their knowledge). Results showed that awareness of what restraint system to use is good (>80%). However, knowledge of when it is safe to graduate to the next stage is low (30-55%), most marked for when to use a seatbelt alone. Awareness of the importance of sitting in the rear seat of a vehicle was universal. Discrepancies between knowledge and practice were most marked with booster seats and rear-seating of older children. Factors influencing incorrect practice (prematurely graduated to a higher-level restraint system than what is appropriate for age and weight) included lower household income, caregiver education level, and knowledge of when to graduate from forward-facing car seats and booster seats. Incorrect practice was also more commonly observed among children of weight and/or age approaching (but not yet reaching) recommended graduation parameters of the appropriate CMVR. These findings indicate that discrepancies between knowledge and practice are evident through all stages of CMVRs, but most marked with booster seats. The roles of lower socioeconomic status and gaps in CMVR legislation, in influencing discrepant practice, must be acknowledged and suggest the need for targeted education concurrent with development of comprehensive all-stages CMVR policies. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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TRIS 01367880

Accident Analysis & Prevention. 2012 /03. Vol. 45. Pp326-333 (Figs., Tabs., Refs.)

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